Saturday 6 September 2008

Awesomely Baseless Rumor: �The Muppet Show� Possibly Returning to Television

It's the least interesting day of the year's slowest news week and so we turn our attention to another poorly sourced, certainly untrue rumor from the Telegraph (who seem to be the masters of that sort of thing these days). According to "a source," if Jason Segel's in-development Muppet movie turns out a success, a new version of The Muppet Show could maybe find its way to television. "If the movie script is popular, Jason will write the TV series too," says the unnamed, possibly nonexistent person to which this entire story is attributed. "He is already coming up with ideas for it."

Unlikely though this may be, we don't think we've ever met a single person who wouldn't watch a new Muppet Show. If Hollywood can make true only one batshit crazy rumor printed in this week's Telegraph, we hope it's this one!

Muppet Show to return to TV after 27 years [Telegraph]
Earlier: Judd Apatow's Comedy Complex Exhausts Funny Human Ideas, Extends Reach to Muppets
Latest Made-Up Rumors Suggest Cher Will Play Catwoman in Next Batman Movie

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